Course Overview

  • 1o,ooo surgical procedures of experience

  • How to spot the problem cases

  • Learn my exact system on how to extract 3rds

  • When to suture

  • Common tools you must use when planning a case

  • Learn how to remove easy to the extreme cases

  • Post-op instructions

  • Learn the JW pain management cocktail

  • PDF notes for expert learning

  • How to build your confidence and much much more!

Course curriculum

  • 2
    Welcome to the JW Method
    • How to use this course FREE PREVIEW
    • The #1 thing holding you back in 3rd Molar Surgery - WATCH ME FIRST
    • How to manage stress - WATCH ME SECOND
    • Do you want more out of your learning experience?
    • PDF Notes The JW Method
  • 3
    Part 1 The JW Method
    • Intro and Patient Demonstration
    • Steps for Building Rapport
    • Anatomy
    • Classifications FREE PREVIEW
    • Rationale for Tooth Removal
    • Rational for removal - Prosthetic Surgery
    • Tooth position and Contraindications
    • Treatment Planning Quiz
    • Part 1 of The JW Method
    • PDF Notes The JW Method
  • 4
    Part 2 The JW Method
    • Medical History
    • Interacting with your Patient
    • Local Anesthetic
    • Armamentarium
    • Part 2 Quiz
    • Level of Patience
    • PDF Notes The JW Method
  • 5
    Part 3 of The JW Method
    • How to Remove Any 3rd Molar
    • Tooth Removal with Coronectomy and Nerve Damage
    • Tooth Removal: Coronectomy, Flap Design and Suturing
    • Post Op Xrays and Clinical Notes
    • High Yield Q&A
    • Post Op Instructions
    • Part 3 Quiz
    • PDF Notes The JW Method
    • How to Manage Complications
    • The JW Method 3rd Molar Surgery Online Course Survey
  • 6
    Radiographic Examination
    • Reading A Pano
    • Zones of Interpretation
    • Abnormalities
    • Dr. Mostafa Zedan - (Part1) How to use BlueSky Bio for CT Scan Radiographic Examination
    • Dr. Mostafa Zedan - (Part2) How to use BlueSky Bio for CT Scan Radiographic Examination
    • How to read a CT (Upper Jaw) - Dr. Jared Williams
    • Treatment planning 3rd Molars with a CT - Dr. Jared Williams
    • How to read a CT (Upper Jaw) - Dr. Jared Williams
    • How to read a CT (Pathology) - Dr. Jared Williams
    • How to Read a CT Scan (Lower Jaw - Dr. Jared Williams
    • Radiographic Examination Quiz
    • PDF Notes The JW Method
  • 7
    Treatment planning
    • Treatment planning for 3rd Molars
    • Treatment planning of 3rd Molars-Horizontal impactions
    • Treatment Planning for 3rd Molar Surgery (Supernumerary teeth)
    • Treatment planning for 3rd molars Root tips
    • 3rd Molar treatment planning Complex Case
    • Bonus - Full mouth Extractions with alveoloplasty Treatment planning
    • PDF Notes The JW Method
  • 8
    Local Anesthesia
    • Local Anesthesia with Oral Cancer Screening
  • 9
    Surgical Videos
    • Case1. Ideal Case for Beginners
    • Case 2. Complete Bony Surgical Extraction #1,16,17, 32
    • Case 3 . 1 Surgical 7210, 16 7220 , 17 Disto 7240 , 32 Mesio 7240
    • Case 4 . 18 Yr Male 1,17, 32
    • Case 5. Easy case for beginners
    • Case 6. Horizontal 17 and 32 Partial Bony, 1 and 16 Surgical Vertical
    • Case 7. 15Yr Male 1, 16 Complete Bony 7240 17, 32 Mesial Angle 7240
    • Case 8. Extraction of #17 Mesioangled Complete Bony
    • Case 9. Removal Of #16, 17 and 18 EASY CASE THAT looks hard!
    • Behind the scenes of 3rd Molar Surgery and Set up
    • How to perform suture-less Horizontal impaction #17
    • PDF Notes The JW Method
  • 10
    Congratulations you did it!
    • Outro to the JW Method Online Course
  • 11
    Next Steps...
    • Last Quiz
    • Your last assignment!
    • Slides for Part 1
    • Slides Part 2
    • 3rd Molars Checklist. PDF
  • 12
    Resources for Advancement
    • 3rd Molars Surgery Articles
    • Are you ready for the Hands on Experience
    • Iatrogenic injury to the IAN
    • J of Oral Rehabilitation - 2015 - Kushnerev - Evidence‐based outcomes following inferior alveolar and lingual nerve injury
    • Antimicrobial Therapy
    • Coronectomy vs complete extraction
    • Fractured root tips during dental extractions and retained root fragments. A clinical dilemma
    • Treatment Notes Template